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1. Introductory Provisions
1.1 Title, Purpose, and Applicability
1.2 Zoning Map
1.3 Transition Rules
2. Definitions & Measurements
2.1 Rules of Interpretation
2.2 Glossary of Terms
2.3 Measures and Exceptions
3. Neighborhood Zones
3.1 Zone Descriptions
3.2 Building Types
3.3 Frontage Elements
3.4 Overlays
4. District Zones
4.1 D-R Residential Campus
4.2 D-M Medical Campus
4.3 D-E Educational Campus
4.4 D-S Strip Retail
4.5 D-C Flex Commercial
4.6 D-IL Light Industrial
4.7 D-IH Heavy Industrial
4.8 D-OS Square
4.9 D-OG Green
4.10 D-ON Natural
5. Corridor Zones
5.1 C-M Metro Rail
5.2 C-R Rail
5.3 C-W Waterfront
6. Uses
6.1 Principal Uses
6.2 Accessory Uses
6.3 Temporary Uses
7. Site Development
7.1 Landscape
7.2 Fences and Walls
7.3 Stormwater
7.4 Outdoor Lighting
7.5 Corner Visibility
7.6 Site Impacts
8. Access Parking
8.1 Pedestrian Access
8.2 Bicycle Access and Parking
8.3 Vehicle Access and Parking
8.4 Transportation Demand Management
9. Signs
9.1 Signs
9.2 On-Premise Signs
9.3 Off-Premise Signs
9.4 Exempt Signs
10. Transportation Network
10.1 Blocks
10.2 Rights-of-Way
11. Administration Approvals
11.1 Review Bodies and Administration
11.2 Common Procedures
11.3 Zoning Approvals
11.4 Right-of-Way Approvals
11.5 Subdivision Approvals
12. Nonconformities Enforcement
12.1 Nonconformities
12.2 Enforcement
13. Zoning Board of Appeals
13.1 Zoning Board of Appeals
14. Planned Unit Developments
14.1 Planned Unit Development Number & Gates Circle Redevelopment
9.2 On-Premise Signs
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