8.1 Pedestrian Access
8.1.1 General
Any development which involves new construction of a principal building, expansion of an existing principal building by 2,500 square feet or more, or substantial renovation of an existing principal building, must provide safe, direct, and convenient pedestrian facilities in accordance with Section 8.1.2.
8.1.2 Pedestrian Facilities
- Pedestrian facilities must be provided connecting main entrances to parking, adjacent public rights- of-way and transit stops and stations, and all uses on a site that allow for public access.
- Pedestrian facilities must consist of accessible, easily discernible, and ADA-compliant walkways. The pedestrian facilities must be paved with a fixed, firm, and non-slip material.
- A parking lot must provide pedestrian facilities in accordance with Section 8.3.3.B.
- Pedestrian facilities providing cross-access between abutting lots are encouraged.