8.4 Transportation Demand Management
8.4.1 General
- A transportation demand management (TDM) plan must be prepared for certain development projects, as follows:
- A TDM plan is required for new construction of a principal building in excess of 5,000 square feet.
- A TDM plan is required for substantial renovation of a principal building with a gross floor area of at least 50,000 square feet and involving a change of use.
- A TDM plan is not required for single- unit dwellings, double-unit dwellings, or any project in a D-C, D-IL, or D-IH zone, irrespective of the above requirements.
- A TDM plan must be reviewed and approved, approved with modifications, or disapproved by the City Planning Board as part of major site plan review per Section 11.3.7. No building permit or certificate of occupancy may be granted prior to approval of a required TDM plan.
8.4.2 TDM Plan
- TDM Plan Requirements
- A TDM plan must be consistent with a TDM Guide adopted by the City Planning Board.
- A TDM plan must be prepared by a qualified professional with demonstrated experience in transportation planning, traffic engineering, or comparable field.
- A TDM plan must determine:
- The anticipated travel demand for the project.
- How the anticipated travel demand for the project will be met on-site or off-site, including:
- Number of on-street vehicle parking spaces, off-street vehicle parking spaces, or shared vehicle parking arrangements.
- Number of short-term and long-term bicycle parking spaces.
- Accommodations for pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, transit riders, and the mobility-impaired.
- The strategies that will be employed to reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips, reduce vehicle miles travelled by site users, and promote transportation alternatives such as walking, cycling, ridesharing, and transit.
- The modal share objectives that will be sought from the implementation of TDM strategies.
- TDM Strategies. TDM strategies may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Walking, cycling, ridesharing, and transit promotion and education.
- Parking cash-out programs or unbundled parking/market rate pricing.
- Shared parking arrangements.
- Enhanced bicycle parking and services (above the minimum required).
- Support for car-share and bike-share services and facilities.
- Carpooling or vanpooling programs or benefits.
- Free or subsidized transit passes, transit-to- work shuttles, or enhanced transit facilities (such as bus shelters).
- Guaranteed ride home (GRH) programs.
- Provision for alternative work schedules (i.e., flextime, compressed work week, staggered shifts, telecommuting).
- Promotion of “live near your work” programs.
- Roadway improvements adjacent to the site that will help encourage transportation alternatives.
- Designation of an on-site employee and/or resident transportation coordinator.
- Membership in a Transportation Management Association (TMA).
- TDM Performance Standards. In making its decision, the City Planning Board must make written findings of fact on the following matters:
- The project includes performance objectives to minimize single-occupancy vehicle trips and maximize the utilization of transportation alternatives to the extent practicable, taking into account the opportunities and constraints of the site and the nature of the development.
- The project must meet the anticipated transportation demand without placing an unreasonable burden on public infrastructure, such as transit and on-street parking facilities, and the surrounding neighborhood.